Our Products

Our clients want cost-effective, easy-to-use solutions using leading products that are reliable and integrate well with other systems.
We carefully select the best products that meet our clients’ needs. Our Engineers are fully trained to help our clients get the most value from their investment.

Document Management

This is the essential foundation to your successful Digital Transformation

Process Automation

Automating business processes is now crucial to boost customer service, cut costs and reduce operational risks

Electronic Signatures

eSignatures are rapidly replacing paper and ink due to the substantial benefits they bring to you and your customers

Intelligent Document Processing

The latest technologies enable automated capture of information from documents - crucial for process automation

Secure Collaboration

Our secure Portals and file sharing tools enable you to share information and documents directly with clients and others

Electronic Identification

There is a greater need than ever to be able to identify customers online quickly while effectively combatting fraud

Secure Print Solutions

Our secure print solutions integrate with your other systems to give you unprecedented efficiency, flexibility and control
Lifesize Hardware

Video Conferencing

We have the hardware and software to get your whole business working together no matter the distance