Published: September 2022

Global leading Corporate Service Provider’s of capital markets and fund administration. Ocorian has 20 offices worldwide, delivering financial services to a vast portfolio of clients.

Realising it needed to move away from paper-based solutions in light of the global pandemic, Ocorian looked to trusted advisors Manx Business Solutions (MBS) to provide a solution that was viable and followed Government requirements when deploying a work from home approach.

DocuSign Silver Partners – MBS, helped Ocorian deploy the industry leading eSignature solution. This saw their usage of the digital envelopes increase by 8000% – a staggering amount of paper saved, when you consider the number of pages contractual documents often pertain.

Stuart Geddes, Ocorian’s IT Director, noted “DocuSign has helped us to secure signatures on important documents far more quickly and with less effort than ever before.  Most documents are now signed the same day and we are seeing 75% of documents signed in less than an hour.  As a result, it has both helped us delight our clients and improve our efficiency.”

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